More warlock in general, but the doomguard from ritual of doom often times will break, and appear as an enemy, red name plate in all, but remain attached to the warlock, sometimes does, and doesn’t attack, cannot be released, and requires a loading screen to remove it.

#Flatout 4 game breaking glitches Pc
Pets: Pet AI is still absolutely broken on Denathrius, they still also get stuck on pillars in Shriek / sludgefists room, which disables them.Īgain, this is gamebreaking as a large portion of our toolkit and damage is tied to our pets ability to actually function. I just logged back on to Fallout 4 on my PC after months of not playing it, since I got tired of the stupid settlement quests.At the time, my character did about 17 damage with the combat knife without any buffs. Meaning, your legendary slot loses massive value as its damage doesn’t actually get to the targets, and from the shadows, which is an extremely important debuff doesn’t get applied, causing a flat 20% damage loss to implosion. Answer (1 of 2): I once encountered a glitch that gave my melee damage an insane buff. This is once again game breaking as the talent for this is used in conjunction with the legendary, and from the shadows. Dreadstalkers dreadbite still has a problem where it will flat out not cast its ability dreadbite (or maybe it just misses?) when summoned against a moving target.This is game breaking for demonology as when using our tyrant, we will often summon it at near perfect timing just before our demons despawn, therefore this bug will cause us to miss the window, thus render our entire burst window, which consists of one of, if not the longest ramp up time in the game, to be completely worthless. Demonic tyrant when running Wilfreds legendary which reduces its cooldown, has a problem where when immediately trying to tyrant as it comes of CD can frequently cause a GCD to trigger, but not start the cast.This has been an ongoing issue for a very long time.